
Gain muscle without losing fat

A common misconception is that your diet and routine must change drastically depending on whether you are bulking or cutting. The truth is, the only major difference is your overall macronutrient intake.

When bulking, if you want to gain muscle with minimal fat gain, a 300 calorie surplus is all you need and you should aim to gain no more than 2-3 pounds per month. Since you can lose fat faster than you can gain muscle, when cutting, you should be at around a 500 calorie deficit and you can lose 1-2 pounds per week. I recommend cardio during either phase and that simply gets factored into your overall calorie requirement.
As far as training, I always tell people that what worked to build muscle when bulking is what you should do to maintain it while cutting. Your routine should not drastically change when you begin cutting. Light weight with high reps doesn't get you leaner. Eating in a caloric deficit does. If anything, doing light weights will be detrimental since you're not providing your body with a reason to hold onto muscle.
If you’re interested in working with me 1 on 1 for a custom plan tailored to your goals, send me an email for more information on online coaching.

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